The Immaculate Conception Finance Committee assists the pastor with financial guidance. Pariticipation is by invitation to the committee when an opening arises, followed by an interview with the existing committee members. A background in business is preferred. Most candidates have accounting, legal or human resourse experience.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office.
The Immaculate Conception Liturgy Committee is a group of parishioners that meet to develop guidelines and procedures to improve the liturgical life of our parish. The committee also evaluates and disucsses issues concerning our parish worship, then makes recommendations to the Pastor. The requirement to join is to be an active parishioner and lead a life in harmony with the faith.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office or Deacon Tom Griffoul.
The Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council is a community of parishioners who work with the pastor to develop, nurture, articulate and institute the vision of the Parish.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office.