The theology of giving to the Church is not based on needs of the church, but on the grateful sharing of the gifts that God has given us all. Once a person or family registers at Immaculate Conception, they are offered two possibiities to help facilitate their giving.
Through Faith Direct you are able to make all of your contributions to Immaculate Conception via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card - just as you do now with a mortgage, household bills and other monthly payments. This is a great way to simplify your giving - and it's most cost effective, environmentally-friendly for us to recieve your gifts. Faith Direct give you a statement of your giving each year, that can be used with your
income taxes.
One could be registered to recieve church envelopes on a bi-monthly basis. These envelopes would be mailed to your home and offer envelopes for all the scheduled collections for that time period.
By using these envelopes one is able to make a deliberate gift to the parish according to one's means. It also offers you the ability to get a statement from the parish to use when completing your income taxes.