Never are we more closely united with our loved ones, both living and deceased, than at the Eucharist. We have a long tradition of having masses offered for our loved ones, both livng and deceased.
If you would like a loved one remebered at the Eucharist please contact the Parish Office.
To have a person's name printed in the bulletin and announced at mass there is a $10 stipend requested
To have a mass celebrated in private there is a $5 stipend requested
The Mass Book fills quickly and at most times masses are for a year in advance.
Induction in the Immaculate Conception Memorial Society is a way to remember a loved one for one year at the 9:00 am Mass on the Second Sunday of every month. The person's name is printed in the bulletin and entered into a book that is placed on the altar during that mass. There is a $25 stipend requested and a card is given.
Flowers may be placed on the Altar in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a special intention or in celebration of a special event in your life. Names of intentions and donors will be listed each week in the Parish Bulletin.
Flower Memorials may also be placed at the statues of the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph.
Requests for Altar Flower Memorials can be made by contact the Parish Office at 732-251-3110.
Whenever the Blessed Sacrament is present in the church the Sanctary candle is lit. This candle is made of over 50% bee's wax and it burns for 7 days.
These candles can be lit in memory of a loved one. There is a $25 stipend requested and the person's name will be printed in the bulletin
Please contact the Parish Office, (732)251-3110, if you are interested