The Immaculate Conception Bereavement Group meets once a week for 7 weeks twice a year. The Bereavement Group is trained and caring facilitators that will guide you on your journey through grief. If you are suffering over the death of a loved one, the Bereavement Group may help you during this painful time.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office.
The Interfaith Network of Care is a network of volunteers from various congregations, agencies and the community at large, trained to respond personally to the everyday needs of homebound invididuals and their caregivers. Volunteers encourage people to live independent meaningful lives in their own homes.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office or call them directly at 732-247-1655.
The Lazarus Ministry is part of the Consolation Ministry at Immacualte Conception. It provides immediate emotional support and comfort when a loved one dies. The Lazarus Ministry assists in planning the details of the funeral Mass and the family with their practical needs as well.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office or Pat Kowalski.
Spotswood Right to Life supports the right to life from conception to natural death by helping fund pregnancy centers and selling Lapel Roses. They also assist Middlesex County Right to Life with their booth at the County Fair held during the first week of August yearly. Every January a trip is held to either Washington, DC or Trenton to oppose the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision and on occasion to oppose anti-life legislation or to support ProLife legislation. Spotswood Rite to Life participates in parades and other activities as well as collecting baby items for Pregnancy Centers.
For additional information please contact the Parish Office
Immaculate Conception Parish Social Ministry responds to the needs of individuals and families that may be experiencing hardship and is interested in receiving: assistance with rent, utilities, food and other basic needs or referrals for family or individual counseling, mental health counseling and/or substance abuse issues. We also invite members of our parish community to put their love into action by becoming a member of this ministry. Many of us are members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. If you or someone you know would like to speak to someone in Social Ministry to either ask for assistance or to find out more about joining this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.