Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sundays of the Month following the 11:00 am Mass.
Baptisms are great times for parents to recommit themselves to their faith for the good of their children.
To schedule a baptism parents should contact the Parish Office to schedule to attend the Baptismal Preparation class which is held on the First Sunday of every month at 12:30 pm in the church. Registration is required.
We as a Parish family rejoice with couples and look to continue to educate and support them as they choose to enter the Sacrament of Marriage.
Couples should contact the Parish Office at least six months to a year prior to the marriage to complete a preliminary form and schedule a meeting with a deacon or priest who will journey with them as they prepare.
Individual Confessions are heard every Saturday Afternoon from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, unless otherwise noted and on First Fridays during Adoration at 7 pm.
Appointments maybe made to recieve the sacrament at other times by calling the Parish Office (732)251-3110
The Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion are available to all who are ill or home bound. The sacrament is not only for those near death, but for anyone who is ill.
If a person is not able to get to church, someone can call the parish office to have a priest come to visit.
In an emergency, any time of day, please call the Parish Office number (732) 251-3110 and the service will send a priest.
The Lord continues to call men and women to serve his church as priests and religious. We as a Parish community look to encourage and support our members to consider to serve His church as priest and religious.
If a young man or woman has questions please feel free to contact: